Par AG Industrial

We, the company Industrial Equipment, are aknowledgeable consultant and reliable partner for any company operating in an industrial sector that needs high-quality products which meet the specifics of the industrial sector to ensure a continuous work process.

Industrial Equipment has been created to provide exactly the products you need – also for the most specific industrial needs.

Industrial Equipment offers fast and flexible service, the latest technical solutions and fast delivery. Our aim is not only to sell, but also to help maintain the products we sell. We want the established contacts not to be a one-day business. We want to develop them into a flexible and mutually beneficial relationship.

The principal activities of the company are:

  • Sale of automation components
  • Automation of manufacturing processes
  • Sale of rubber and plastic hoses
  • Various connectors, clamps, adapters
  • Sale of industrial wheels to manufacturing companies
  • Agricultural machinery
  • Pneumatics and its components
  • Hydraulic system and its components
  • Valves
  • Bearings, chains, belts, pulleys, etc.


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